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About SINA

We are an online media company serving China and the global Chinese communities. Our digital media network of (portal), (mobile portal) and (online social networking service and microblogging service), enable Internet users to access professional media and user generated content (“UGC”) in multi-media formats from the web and mobile devices and share their interests to friends and acquaintances. offers distinct and targeted professional content on each of its region specific websites and a range of complementary offerings. provides information and entertainment content from SINA portal customized for WAP users. Based on an open platform architecture to host organically developed and third-party applications, is a form of social media, featuring microblogging services and social networking services that allow users to connect and share information anywhere, anytime and with anyone on our platform.

Through these businesses and properties and other business lines, we offer an array of services including mobile value added services (“MVAS”), online video, music streaming, online games, photo sharing, blog, email, classified listings, fee-based services, e-commerce and enterprise services. We generate the majority of our revenues from online brand advertising, MVAS and fee-based services.